
высокопольный мрт 1.5 тесла 3 теслаIn the center of MRI on Primorskaya, located in St. Petersburg, high-field equipment has been installed, which makes it possible to conduct high-quality and informative MRI survey. With the help of this equipment adults and children can make MRI examinations. 

The quality  of the pictures of the analyzed area  depends on such an indicator as the magnetic field uniformity of the MRI equipment, if the value of this indicator is high, the quality is also informative. A 1.5 Tesla Philips magnetic resonance tomograph is installed at the MRT center on Primorskaya

This MRI tomograph allows all types of MRI examinations (brain, abdominal organs, spine, joints, etc.) will be the most informative and qualitative.

The high power of the Philips MRI tomograph gives an opportunity to conduct highly focused surveys, where the slice thickness can reach 0.3 mm. It is possible only at the MRI center on Primorskaya St. Petersburg. In addition, it means that pictures obtained from the results of MRI diagnostics can be used to make the decision about the necessity of a surgical intervention.

 The MRI equipment is a half-open tomograph, because  this type  makes it possible to diagnose all structures. Moreover, the wide diameter and the half-open pipe's type facilitates the process of passing the MRT procedure to people who can't pass the MRI examination due to overweight or claustrophobia. In addition, the medical staff of the MRI center in Primorskaya in St. Petersburg will do everything to provide  the most comfortable conditions for the patient.


Please note that tomographs with a capacity of 3 Tesla don't qualitatively differ from magnetic resonance tomography equipment with 1.5 Tesla. In this case the internal settings and features of the device are more important. It should be mentioned that MRI equipment with a magnetic field  less than 1 Tesla doesn't allow to make difficult examinations (only MRI of the brain, joints and the spine).

Internet resource:Магнитно-резонансная_томография

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